Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Llicencia: Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Licencia: Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Licensing: Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors.
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Licensing. Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.
see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors.
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors.
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Licenza: Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Lizentzia: Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.
File:Flag of Romania (1965-1989).svg . commons, Image:Flag of Romania (1965-1989).png. Author: Alex:D (talk) Permission
. Pantone equivalents issue can be found at Image talk:Flag of Italy.svg. � Reisio 02:10, 21 September 2006 (UTC) For fun
image flag of romania svg
I did a google image search on "romania flag .
move approved by: User:ChristianBier. This image was moved from Image:Romania Coat of image flag of romania svg Arms.svg. This image shows a flag, a coat of arms, a seal or some other official .
This is a lossless scalable vector image. Base size: 450 � 300 pixels. Flag_of_Romania.svg
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Licensing. Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.
Therefore this image is assumed to be in the public domain worldwide, although . The original article was at File:Flag of Romania.svg. The list of authors can be seen in the .
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Licenca: Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright law.
Please see Image talk:Flag of Romania.svg for any debate regarding correct colors. Licensing. Implicit public domain, as per Romanian copyright
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